Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why do we Blog???

Woh!! chinedu says i need to make money with my blog,like tell people about it so the'll come advertise n all.and i say for crying out loud! i have just one follower!! this blog a'int even known to the world yet! talk more of to make money out of it.
Well i dont know,but these days in Nigeria when Money seems to be the key to all answers evrything one does must have a monetary gain.
So the question is this... Is Our Aim Of Having One's Blog Solely To Make Money? Or is it just a pull every born writer has?? to scribble that is.....Or its simply just keeping up with the jones's. So many many reasons for blogging i should say,but i'll choose the second option,anyday anytime... i blog cos i enjoy doing this, writing that is..
Zhaanna's out!